6 Class - Strictly Cutting


6 Class - Strictly Cutting

Sale Price:$6,375.00 Original Price:$7,500.00

Strictly Cutting offers a meticulously curated program tailored for discerning stylists and assistants seeking to elevate their craft. Across six intensive classes, participants delve into advanced haircutting techniques emphasizing shape precision, balance mastery, and weight distribution finesse. But it's not just about the scissors and comb; this comprehensive curriculum also integrates vital aspects like team building dynamics, leveraging social media for professional growth, and optimizing service enhancements with a strategic focus on retail sales. It's not just about mastering the art of cutting hair; it's about honing a complete skill set to thrive in today's competitive salon landscape.

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Please contact Alex to schedule available dates for this popular program offered at 15% off regular day rate.

“Thank you so much for inviting him to come visit! I have seen a lot of classes in my life and I was so impressed by him. He did a great job of taking us all back to the foundations of cutting hair...all very good lessons for me personally to hear and be reminded of. It is one of my top education classes to date! He truly has a talent in education.”
— Kelly Yokel: Stylist - Speed Spa; Mountain Brook, AL